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Connecticut Stormwater Management

Connecticut State Overview

The state of Connecticut and its Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has successfully implemented a stormwater management program which is comprised of several different sectors and areas of stormwater pollution prevention. The DEEP’s regulations on “Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities,” require operators of a construction site to apply for coverage under their Construction General Permit (CGP) if their project will result in disturbances of the following:

  • One (1) or more total acres of land area regardless of project phasing.
  • A larger plan of development (such as a subdivision), the estimate of total acres of site disturbance shall include, but is not limited to, road and utility construction, individual lot construction (i.e., house, driveway, septic system, etc.), and all other construction associated with the overall plan, regardless of the individual parties responsible for construction of these various elements.

For any project that will be disturbing a total area between one (1) and five (5) acres, the permittee is required to adhere to the erosion and sediment control land use regulations of the town in which the land disturbing activity is taking place. As long as the permittee adheres to the town’s erosion and sediment control guidelines and receives written approval for the proposed erosion and sediment control measures, he/she is not required to register for a general permit.

The state of Connecticut and its Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has successfully implemented a stormwater management program which is comprised of several different sectors and areas of stormwater pollution prevention. The DEEP’s regulations on “Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities,” require operators of a construction site to apply for coverage under their Construction General Permit (CGP) if their project will result in disturbances of the following:

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CP205: QPSPCP - Qualified Preparer of Stormwater Pollution Control Plans - Connecticut

Type: Online | Price: $924.00

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Program Overview

The 18.5-hour, Qualified Preparer of Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (QPSPCP) online credentialing program is comprised of six (6) courses and corresponding exams.

This program educates individuals to prepare Construction Stormwater Pollution Control Plans (SPCPs) in compliance with the General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters Associated with Construction Activities.

As a QPSPCP, you will receive a dual credential as a QCIS, which qualifies you to inspect and maintain construction sites for stormwater compliance. This program covers the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control as well as the proper reporting and documentation requirements for ensuring compliance under the Connecticut Construction General Permit program.

This program has been reviewed and recognized by the EPA and is a Level 300 United States Green Build Council approved training.

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CP205R: QPSPCP-Recert - Qualified Preparer of Stormwater Pollution Control Plans Recert - Connecticut

Type: Online | Price: $549.00

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Program Overview

The 11-hour, Qualified Preparer of Stormwater Pollution Control Plans (QPSPCPs) online recert program is comprised of six (6) courses and corresponding exams.

This program is designed to re-educate individuals who possess a QCIS or QPSPCP credential to prepare compliant Construction Stormwater Pollution Control Plans (SPCPs).

As a QPSPCP, you will receive a dual credential as a QCIS, which qualifies you to inspect, and maintain construction sites for stormwater compliance. This program covers the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control as well as the proper reporting and documentation requirements for ensuring compliance under the Connecticut Construction General Permit program.

This program has been reviewed and recognized by the EPA and is a Level 300 United States Green Build Council approved training.

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CI205: QCIS - Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater - Connecticut

Type: Online | Price: $799.00

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Program Overview

The 16-hour, Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater (QCIS) online certificate program is comprised of five (5) courses and corresponding exams. 

This credentialing program educates individuals within the State of Connecticut to properly inspect and maintain a construction site in compliance with the General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters Associated with Construction Activities.

This program educates students on the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control, pollution prevention as well as the proper reporting and documentation requirements for ensuring compliance under the Connecticut Construction General Permit.

This program has been reviewed and recognized by the EPA and is a Level 300 United States Green Build Council approved training.

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CI205R: QCIS-Recert - Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater Recert - Connecticut

Type: Online | Price: $399.00

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Program Overview

The 8-hour, Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater (QCIS) online recert program is comprised of five (5) courses and corresponding exams.

This program is designed to re-educate individuals who possess a QCIS or QPSPCP credential to properly inspect and maintain a construction site in compliance with the General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters Associated with Construction Activities.

This program covers the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control, pollution prevention as well as the proper reporting and documentation requirements for ensuring compliance under the Connecticut Construction General Permit.

This program has been reviewed and recognized by the EPA and is a Level 300 United States Green Build Council approved training.

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CS2RE: RUSLE2 - Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)

Type: Online | Price: $224.00


Program Overview

This RUSLE2 Modeling course delves into the principles of soil erosion, the mechanics behind the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) models, and their practical applications in various environmental and construction settings. Participants will learn to use the official NRCS RUSLE2 software for accurate erosion prediction and effective soil conservation strategies. This RUSLE2 training course is designed for qualified SWPPP developers, environmental professionals, land developers, and anyone involved in land management, providing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to mitigate erosion impact and enhance land sustainability. 

A key component of the course is the Practical Application Assignment, which bridges theoretical knowledge with real-world scenarios. This hands-on assignment challenges students to apply the RUSLE2 model to actual case studies, enabling them to analyze and predict soil erosion under various land-use conditions. By engaging with this practical exercise, participants will enhance their ability to design and implement effective soil conservation measures tailored to specific project needs, thereby solidifying their learning and ensuring they can apply their knowledge effectively in their professional environments.

Common uses for RUSLE2 Modeling in stormwater management include:

  • Predict Erosion Rates: Calculate soil loss for each project phase, ensuring erosion controls maintain conditions as protective as pre-construction levels.

  • Evaluate Sediment Risk: Determine sediment risk levels (low, medium, or high) based on soil loss rates, factoring in receiving water risk.

  • Manage Sediment Delivery: Select and evaluate temporary Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize sediment transport to water bodies.

  • Meet Regulatory Requirements: Demonstrate compliance with Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) limits, including mass-based wasteload allocation for pollutants like nutrients, metals, and toxins.

  • Nutrient Management: Address nutrient-rich sediments caused by disturbed soils such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

  • Implement Buffer Zone Alternatives: Use RUSLE2 Modeling to ensure erosion and sediment controls achieve equivalent sediment reduction to a 50-foot undisturbed natural buffer where maintaining such a buffer is infeasible.

  • File Notice of Termination (NOT): Provide computational proof and photographic evidence to verify conditions align with pre-construction and post-construction computations.

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CSR05: Connecticut Construction General Permit

Type: Online | Price: $199.00

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Program Overview

This online course educates professionals about the General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters Associated with Construction Activities.

The Connecticut Construction General Permit covers stormwater and non-stormwater related discharges to waters of the State of Connecticut from construction sites with a land disturbance area of one acre or more.

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WEB01: Low Impact Development and the Basics of Bioretention

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

Low Impact Development (LID) embodies a paradigm shift in how land is developed and how storm water is managed from that development. LID is achieved through the implementation of techniques that mimic pre-development hydrologic conditions by addressing storm water runoff at the source point versus the “end of the pipe.” The bioretention system, which reduces runoff volumes while decreasing pollutant loads found in nonpoint source flow, represents one of the most commonly applied Low Impact Development devices in green infrastructure today. This webinar will introduce the basics of bioretention systems, how they work, why they work and how they can save on project costs.

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WEB02: Green Infrastructure Solutions for Wet Weather

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

From March 2013, this Free CEU webinar addresses Green Infrastructure in the U.S. and abroad and touches on the U.S. rules and regulations for G.I. implementation.

  • Dr Les Lampe, Vice President, Black & Veatch Corporation
  • Jeff Henson, Director of Water Resources and Associate Vice President, Black & Veatch
  • Jim Schlaman, Project Engineer, Black & Veatch
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WEB03: Collaborative Stormwater Management Solutions

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

This FREE webinar will address the the environmental, physical and financial solutions that can be jointly applied for stormwater management in the United States. 

  • Kathryn Edwards, Project Manager, Arcadis, U.S., Inc
  • Pete Yakimowich, P.E., Senior Consultant, ARCADIS
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WEB04: Understanding EPA’s NPDES MS4 Permit Program

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

From the March 2012 Storm Water Solutions Virtual Expo, this Stormwater ONE/Storm Water Solutions CEU webinar will address the many changes occurring at present and anticipated in the near future for EPA’s NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit program.

  • Pete Yakimowich, P.E., Senior Consultant, ARCADIS
  • Dan Markowitz, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, ARCADIS
  • Anwer Ahmed, P.E., DWRE, Vice President, Stormwater Discipline, ARCADIS
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WEB05: Management for Oil and Gas Operations

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

This webinar will cover the basics of erosion and sediment control for oil and gas operations. The discussion topics will include how to select, install and maintain appropriate Best Management Practices (BMP) for erosion and sediment control based on common site conditions such as constructing a well pad location, pipelines and access roads. The program will focus on effective preventative techniques to control erosion. Additional topics will include how to implement sediment removal practices as well key elements of conducting an inspection of erosion and sediment control features.

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WEB06: Urban Hydrology and Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) has positioned itself as a solution for many issues facing urban environments, not just stormwater.Because of this, there is a lot of hype around the US among municipalities, engineers, and urban planners to name a few. This presentation will go over the basics of urban hydrology, the history of how we got here, and modern issues that GSI can address. We will review GSI solutions and lessons learned. Drawing from my experience on the ground with pilot projects in New York City and Philadelphia, I will share my thoughts and recommendations moving forward.

Panelist: Scott Jeffers, PE, PhD

Organizers: Andrew Demers

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WEB07: Prepping Construction Stormwater Controls for Winter Weather

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

Learn best practices for preparing construction sites for the impending winter season.  Whether you are preparing for the “rainy season,” sub-zero weather, or erosive desert winds, this presentation will be packed with real-life practical solutions for almost anything mother nature can throw at your stormwater compliance program.

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WEB08: Non-Structural BMPs

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

This presentation will cover the various non-structural BMPs which can and should be implemented on a construction site to assist in the compliance of your CGP.

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WEB09: Common Stormwater Violations and Tips To Avoid Them

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

This presentation will discuss the most common violations related to stormwater pollution prevention on construction sites. You will be taught a process to help identify potential violations, recognize challenges within the job site and how to properly tackle these preventable mistakes. We will also inform you of the potential fines, penalties and work-stop orders that can be issued if your site is not in proper compliance.

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WEB10: How to Choose the Correct BMPs for Your Construction Site

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

This presentation will look at the key elements, considerations, and approaches for successful stormwater BMP design and selection given your site’s specific needs. Learn how to follow the necessary steps to ensure your construction site is in proper environmental compliance. Whether it is identifying potential pollution prevention opportunities or how to evaluate your job site for appropriate BMP selection.

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WEB11: The Evolution of Inspections - From Pencil and Paper to Data-Driven Compliance

Type: Webinar | Price: Free!

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Program Overview

This webinar will dig into the evolution of inspections going from manual processes to digital inspections that harness big data and the cloud to increase efficiencies. We’ll highlight current best practices for inspections and show cutting-edge technology that streamlines tasks like weather tracking, capturing photos, and closing the loop with site issues as well as provides key reporting and analytics for your stormwater program. The information provided will inspire viewers to look beyond the old-school manual process and utilize digital tools that can bring a new level of efficiency to their program.

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Intuitive and Easy to Follow

Training is very intuitive and easy to follow. Kenneth was also extremely helpful in getting my certifications delivered!

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Jon C, Terracon
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