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Texas Post- Construction Program

Post- Construction Program Overview

StormwaterONE’s online course for Post-Construction Stormwater Maintenance covers Post-Construction stormwater maintenance on various types of Best Management Practices (BMPs) including:  Structural, Manufactured, Low Impact Development (LID), and Above and Below Ground Detention and Retention systems.  Examples of these types of BMPs include:  Bioretention facilities, Rain gardens, Vegetated “Green” roofs, Catch basins, Inlets/outlets, and Oil water separators.

Post-construction stormwater management in areas undergoing new development or redevelopment is necessary because runoff from these areas has been shown to significantly affect receiving water bodies.

This course covers Post-Construction maintenance tasks, issues, causes and correction of deficiencies as well as repair strategies for BMPs.  The BMP maintenance tasks are for MS4s, developers, and property owners to address stormwater runoff after construction activities have completed.

As authorized by the Clean Water Act (CWA), the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States.  The NPDES program has Phase I and Phase II rulings and control measures.

Intended Audience

The audience for this course includes stormwater personnel responsible for maintenance of post-construction stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) and BMPs for MS4s, developers, and property owners to address stormwater runoff after construction activities have completed.

Curriculum: Post-Construction Stormwater Maintenance

This course defines where Post-Construction Runoff Control is one of the six (6) Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) that the operator of a Phase II regulated small MS4 is required to include in its stormwater management program to meet the conditions of the NPDES permit.

The Post Construction Runoff Control is the fifth Minimum Control Measure as shown here:

  1.        Public Education
  2.        Public Involvement
  3.        Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4.        Construction
  5.        Post-Construction Runoff Control
  6.        Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

Course Demos






Learning Objectives

At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:

--  Define Post-Construction Structural, Manufactured, Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs, Above and Below Ground Systems and examples of each.

--  Describe the maintenance tasks for Post-Construction BMPs.

--  Identify deficiencies, maintenance issues and causes of the Post-Construction structures revealed through proper testing.

--  Articulate a repair or maintenance strategy to correct deficiencies of Post-Construction structures.

--  Prepare a written and visual presentation of the deficiencies, and recommend corrective actions to begin the maintenance process.

At the Completion of This Program You Will Receive

2.5 PDHs

Resume' Enhancer (Available on the Credential Validation Page)

One-Stop Shop!

StormwaterONE is a wealth of information! If you're just starting out or a seasoned professional needing additional information, StormwaterONE is a quality one-stop shop. The staff is helpful, and the information is relevant. Keep up the good work!

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Chad J, Sealaska Constructors LLC
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