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Hawaii Oil & Gas Program

Oil & Gas Program Overview

The 15-hour, Stormwater Management for Oil and Gas Construction Activities online certificate program is comprised of seven (7) courses and corresponding exams.

This credentialing program is a problem-centered curriculum which covers conditions commonly encountered during oil and gas construction activities pertinent for stormwater management. 

The program is designed for individuals involved in stormwater management for oil and gas construction activities including inspectors, plan designers, regulators and BMP installers.

The program's central focus educates and trains on how to select, install and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) for common conditions encountered during oil and gas exploration and construction activities.

Intended Audience

The Stormwater Management for Oil and Gas Construction Activities is specifically designed for professionals engaged in oil and gas construction activities within Hawaii.

  • Owner/Oporators
  • Project Managers
  • Regulatory and Non-regulatory Inspectors
  • SWPPP Preparers/Reviewers/Administrators
  • Civil Consultants/Students
  • Environmental Consultants/Students
  • BMP Installers


Learning Objectives

The CS2OG program will provide Hawaii students with a fundamental knowledge of concentrated aspects of stormwater management so individuals can:

  • Identify the basic requirements of the regulatory program for stormwater management during oil and gas construction activities.
  • Describe the specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented  to control sources of pollution during the following activities:

                                    -        Road construction

                                    -        Stream crossings

                                    -        Well Pad construction

                                    -        Pipeline construction

                                    -        Drilling operations

  • Describe the installation and maintenance requirements for Best Management Practices (BMPs) used during oil and gas construction activities. 
  • Explain the inspection and evaluation process for implemented erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) for proper use, installation and maintenance.

At the Completion of This Program You Will Receive

I have more confidence...

The course was very good at speaking of topics that can get quite technical in a way that most would find understandable. The topics within the course are very relevant to the project I am on and now I feel like I have more confidence with being the environmental compliant inspector. Who can ask for much more than that!?! No complaints.

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

John K.
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