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Utah Construction Site Runoff Control Course

Course Description

The fourth Minimum Control Measure (MCM) in the MS4 Phase II of the NPDES permit is highlighted below:

  1.      Public Education and Outreach
  2.      Public Participation and Involvement
  3.      Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
  4.      Construction Site Runoff Control
  5.      Post-Construction Runoff Control
  6.      Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

It is highly encouraged to develop this Minimum Control Measure along with the Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Minimum Control Measure. 

Course Demos






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Recommend for any person looking to renew their CESCL

I needed to renew my CESCL card that was due to expire in a few months and I knew I wouldn't have a chance then. I took a period of relative downtime and was able to renew my card from my work desk. Material was well presented and discussed the real world elements of CESCL inspection and not hours of permit review. I will recommend it for any person looking to renew their CESCL.

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Robert H.
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