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Michigan Post- Construction Course

Course Description

This course defines where Post-Construction Runoff Control is one of the six (6) Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) that the operator of a Phase II regulated small MS4 is required to include in its stormwater management program to meet the conditions of the NPDES permit.

The Post Construction Runoff Control is the fifth Minimum Control Measure as shown here:

  1.        Public Education
  2.        Public Involvement
  3.        Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4.        Construction
  5.        Post-Construction Runoff Control
  6.        Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

Course Demos






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"Everything I wanted. Clear, concise, and moving. It wasn't another boring training video."

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Jeff G., Tharaldson Hospitality Dev
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