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Texas Online Course #1 Course

Course Description

Chapter One Objectives:

  • Introduce the foundational concepts of soil erosion and the evolution of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to its revised versions, RUSLE and RUSLE2 
  • Understand the basic mathematical framework and components of these models 

Chapter Two Objectives:

  • Explore the critical aspects of sediment transport processes and the influence of various soil characteristics on erosion rates 
  • Discuss how different soil types affect erosion potential and the implications for land management 

Chapter Three Objectives:

  • Delve into the specific factors incorporated in the RUSLE2 model, such as rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope length and steepness, cover management, and conservation practices 
  • Learn how these factors are quantified and applied in the model to predict soil loss 

Chapter Four Objectives:

  • Provide detailed guidance on the technical aspects of installing and configuring the official NRCS RUSLE2 software
  • Equip participants with the knowledge to troubleshoot common issues and optimize the software for various project needs 

Chapter Five Objectives:

  • Demonstrate the ability to apply RUSLE2 modeling to real-world case studies, using the provided data sets to analyze and predict soil erosion rates 
  • Interpret the environmental factors and land-use conditions that influence soil erosion, as outlined in the RUSLE2 model 
  • Connect theoretical knowledge of soil erosion processes with practical application through the hands-on assignment 
  • Reflect on the learning process and the application of RUSLE2 modeling to ensure a deep understanding of both the tool’s capabilities and its limitations 

Course Demos

RUSLE2 Modeling Training - Course Demo

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MS4 Requirements

A great place to learn about MS4 requirements and brush up on the BMPs on your own time frame.

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Stephanie H, City of Insanti
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