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Virginia Course

Course Description

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is the lead agency for developing and implementing the Commonwealth’s statewide program to protect water quality and quantity from stormwater runoff.  

Under the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP), the agency issues permits and certifies land disturbers. 

Stormwater occurs after precipitation and consists of runoff from construction sites and other impervious surfaces.   

Unmanaged stormwater can cause erosion and flooding. It can also carry excess nutrients, sediment, and other contaminants into rivers and streams. Properly managed stormwater can recharge groundwater and protect land and streams from erosion, flooding, and pollutants. 

DEQ regulates stormwater as a “point source” of pollution, which means its source can be located. This includes stormwater discharges from construction activities. 

Coverage under a state permit may be required to discharge stormwater from construction activities.  

During construction, a separate permit may be required for erosion and sediment control. These land disturbance permits are issued by localities as part of their erosion and sediment control programs, which DEQ periodically reviews.  

This course consists of the following chapters: 

  1. Introduction to NPDES History 
  2. Definitions, Acronyms, and Resources 
  3. Discharge Authorization and Special Conditions 
  4. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 
  5. Plans 
  6. Inspections 
  7. Monitoring, Records, and Reporting 
  8. Termination of General Permit Coverage 

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Comprehensive and Easy to Retain

The class was very comprehensive and easy to retain. I was able to complete in one sitting and is exactly what I needed for required employment certification.

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Matt L., City of Insanti
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