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Florida Intro to the Florida NPDES Permitting Program Course

Course Description

The Intro to the Florida NPDES Permitting Program course provides a fundamental overview of the Clean Water Act’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting Program for the state of Florida.

 The official name of the 2015 Florida permit is: State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection NPDES Construction Generic Permit (CGP) for Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities.

The Florida CGP allows you to discharge surface stormwater associated with large or small construction activity to waters of the State, either directly or through a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) provided the regulations are adhered to in this permit.

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Highly Recommend for the Advanced or a Beginner

..the instructor was great. Easy to follow along. I had no experience in this field and was very nervous. Got to work at my own pace through the online courses which gave me confidence once I got to the virtual instruction. I recommend to everyone regardless if you are advanced or a beginner in the field.

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Kim H, Commercial Property Services
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