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Hawaii Live Session #1 Course

Course Description

Virtual Instructor Led Training: Session 1 

Title: Intro to Stormwater Management 

When: First Tuesday & Third Wednesday of the Month

Where: Go To Meeting Link will be provided upon enrollment

Topics Discussed: 

  1. Class introductions 

    1. Instructor 

    2. Learners 

  2. Communication Protocol 

    1. Instructors email – [email protected]

    2. Technical Support – [email protected] 

  3. Why Stormwater Pollution Prevention 

  4. Overview of Watersheds and Ecosystems 

  5. Intro to concepts within the modules 

    • History of Clean Water Act 

    • Stormwater Practices on Construction Sites 

      • Erosion Control 

      • Sediment Control 

      • Good Housekeeping/Pollution Prevention 

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Intuitive and Easy to Follow

Training is very intuitive and easy to follow. Kenneth was also extremely helpful in getting my certifications delivered!

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Jon C, Terracon
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