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Stormwater Plan Preparation

All construction sites disturbing 1-acre or greater must prepare a storm water plan. Stormwater plans go by various names such as: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP, or SWP3), Stormwater Management Plans etc.

All operators are required to develop a SWPPP that describes:
- Construction activities;
- The physical attributes of the site;
- The nature of the construction activities;
- Stormwater discharge characteristics;
- Responsible parties for BMP implementation; and
- The selection, design, installation, and maintenance of all stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) used to satisfy the effluent limitations of the Construction General Permit (CGP).

It should also be known that the SWPPP MUST be developed PRIOR to submitting the Notice of Intent (NOI) as well.

Recommend for any person looking to renew their CESCL

I needed to renew my CESCL card that was due to expire in a few months and I knew I wouldn't have a chance then. I took a period of relative downtime and was able to renew my card from my work desk. Material was well presented and discussed the real world elements of CESCL inspection and not hours of permit review. I will recommend it for any person looking to renew their CESCL.

Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Robert H.
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