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EPA Takes Action on Iowa’s 2024 List of Impaired Waters

Nov 13, 2024

EPA is adding seven water segments for public comment 

LENEXA, KAN. – EPA has taken action on Iowa’s 2024 list of impaired waters that do not meet applicable water quality standards and require pollutant reduction.

Every two years, states are required to submit a report for EPA review that characterizes the state’s surface water quality and a list of every impaired water body.

EPA has partially approved and partially disapproved Iowa’s 2024 list of impaired waters, called the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list, and added seven water segments to the list. These segments were added to Iowa’s list for drinking water use and do not pertain to aquatic life or recreational uses. Any local recommendations or advisories regarding their aquatic or recreational use remain in effect.

Note: The Iowa River water segment is listed twice in the table below, because it has two separate impairments – one for nitrate and one for nitrate plus nitrite.

EPA’s Decision Document provides a more detailed description of EPA’s review and the basis for this action.

Impaired Water Bodies Added to Iowa’s 2024 Section 303(d) List

Water Body ID Number

Water Body Name


IA 02-CED-456

Cedar River

Nitrate plus nitrite

IA 04-LDM-1011

Des Moines River

Nitrate plus nitrite

IA 04-UDM-1211

Des Moines River

Nitrate plus nitrite

IA 02-IOW-628

Iowa River


IA 02-IOW-628

Iowa River

Nitrate plus nitrite

IA 04-RAC-1116

Raccoon River

Nitrate plus nitrite

IA 03-SSK-927

South Skunk River

Nitrate plus nitrite


Impaired Waters and Total Maximum Daily Load

Once a water body or segment is included on an impaired waters list, development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) – a water restoration plan – is necessary. A TMDL establishes the maximum amount of a pollutant allowed in a water body and serves as the starting point or planning tool for restoring water quality.

Public Comment Period

The seven water segments added to Iowa’s 2024 list of impaired waters require pollutant reduction through a TMDL and are subject to a 30-day public notice from Nov. 13 to Dec. 13, 2024. EPA requests public comment on these seven water segments only. After public comment, EPA will issue a response to public comments received and revise its decision, if necessary.

For additional information regarding impaired waters and TMDLs, visit EPA Region 7's page, EPA's How's My Waterway, or Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 - 11201 Renner Blvd., Lenexa, KS 66219
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Nine Tribal Nations

Contact Information: Shannan Beisser, [email protected], 816-520-1949

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