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EPA Approves Virginia’s plan to improve water quality

Aug 18, 2020

PHILADELPHIA (Aug. 18, 2020) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced it has approved Virginia’s plan for $659 million in water infrastructure improvements for Fiscal Year 2020 that includes $32.5 million in EPA funding.

Funds will provide low interest loans to communities for about 25 projects statewide including construction of stormwater and wastewater treatment facilities and other projects vital to protecting and improving water quality in rivers, lakes and streams for drinking water, recreation and natural habitat. 

Altogether, the funding includes the $32,521,000 grant from EPA’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), $6.5 million state matching funds, repayments from prior CWSRF loans, and interest earnings.

“The revolving fund program is essential to providing all Americans the clean and safe water they deserve,” said EPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Cosmo Servidio. “EPA is proud to support Virginia’s plan and remains committed to helping communities with infrastructure improvements that protect their water resources”

 Some of the projects targeted for funding include:

• $179 million to the Hampton Roads Sanitation District to upgrade sewer lines and equipment at wastewater treatment plants to support an innovative Sustainable Water Infrastructure for Tomorrow (SWIFT) system that takes highly-treated water that would otherwise be discharged into the Elizabeth, James or York rivers and puts it through additional advanced water treatment to meet drinking water quality standards.

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•$9 million to the City of Norfolk for multiple projects including replacement of sewer infrastructure and related operating equipment.

•$719,937 to the Wise County Public Service Authority for extension of the sewer system to include the community of Glamorgan, Wise County, Virginia.

•$10.9 million to the Town of Richlands, Tazewell County, Virginia, to rehabilitate and upgrade its 4.0 MGD wastewater treatment plant.

•$27.8 million to the Upper Occoquan Service Authority to upgrade the Millard H. Robbins, Jr., water reclamation facility with ozone and new electrical work and piping.

•$12 million to the City of Norfolk for construction of four shoreline sites around Norfolk, the design and build of two stormwater wetlands, and other improvements to better control stormwater runoff.

A full list of the 2020 CWSRF projects being considered for funding can be found at:

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The loans help communities keep water and sewer rates more affordable while addressing local water quality problems.

For more information about EPA’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program:

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